Root Canals

Root canal therapy, or endodontic treatment, involves repairing a badly damaged or infected tooth. During root canal treatment, a dentist removes all infected pulp from the inside of a tooth and then seals the tooth using gutta-percha or dental material. In some cases, patients may require dental crowns to complete the restoration process.

Root canal therapy allows you to forego an extraction and preserve your natural teeth. Westbay Dental provides root canal therapy in Tampa, FL. Our dentist near you takes great care to guarantee a safe, comfortable, and painless procedure.


Certain warning signs are indicative of the need to get root canal therapy near you. These include:

  1. Darkening or discoloration of a tooth
  2. Increased tooth sensitivity to hot and cold drinks or foods
  3. Toothache
  4. Tender or swollen gums
  5. Bumps or abscesses near a tooth

A great way to minimize your likelihood of needing root canal therapy is by scheduling regular dental exams and cleanings. This way, our dentist can closely monitor your dental health, administer required preventive dental procedures, and recommend early interventions in case of dental problems.

However, if you have fallen behind on your bi-annual dental exams and have severe cavities, Westbay Dental can still help. Call our friendly dental team today to schedule a consultation with our dentist in Tampa, FL.


Our dentist starts by taking dental x-rays to determine your root canals’ curvature and the extent of the infection. Next, the dentist administers appropriate anesthesia to ensure a painless process. For our valued patients who experience dental anxiety, our dentist may recommend sedation to help you relax.

Next, the dentist accesses the root canals by drilling through the tooth. The dentist cleans out the infection from the root canals using root canal files. The tooth is then thoroughly cleaned and sealed with dental material. If the tooth structure is severely damaged, our dentist near you uses a dental crown to restore the tooth’s function and aesthetic.

It’s best to continue observing proper dental hygiene after root canal treatment, as treated teeth can still get re-infected if one fails to brush and floss as required.

If you’re struggling with a severely decayed or damaged tooth, you need not rush to extract it. If there’s a chance that it can be saved, our dentist in Tampa, FL, will do so via root canal therapy. Contact Westbay Dental today to schedule a consultation with our friendly and experienced dentist near you.

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